professional career support
Designed for senior managers and professionals, this programme provides individual coaching and personal support from a senior Career Practitioner. This programme is designed to reflect the depth of participants experience and the likelihood that these people will have several career chocies.
This programme utilises comprehensive self-assessment and career evaluation techniques enabling participants to quickly identify their next strategic career move, combined with a practical emphasis that will enable participants to enter the job market quickly, confidently and with an up-to-date appraisal of market expectations.
The programme consists of the following elements
- Individual professional career coaching and counseling
- Use of office space with computer, telephone and fax
- Unlimited use of leading edge online Career Assessment programme
- Secretarial services including postage costs of hardcopy marketing and application material
- Full telephone and fax service
- Job Search Technique Training
- Interview training with video feedback
- Executive Resume Advice, preparation and production
- Unlimited support for 12 week transition period
- Ongoing support until new role is attained
Candidates on an individual programme will be assigned an experienced career management consultant who will coach and support the individual throughout their programme.
Our interest in the individual will not cease with the completion of the formal part of the programme. It is quite usual for our consultants to maintain contact with cnaiddates by offering moral support and market advice to meet the personal needs of every individual.
All our programmes are designed to take candidates experiencing a career transition quickly and effectively through the following phases to ensure their career is back on track within the minimum time period.
You will find us a very cost-effective solution, and one that cannot be bettered in terms of support for your staff. Workbooks and comprehensive reference materials included in all our programmes. We focus on creating a positive career management mind-set that has candidates quickly focusing forward and building career management and transition skills both for immediate and future use.