Free Career Health Check

Online Career Assessment Centre
Career Analysis Overview
Career decision-making is a complex process, and to be done well, we must take a range of factors into consideration to enable us to make great choices. Career analysts have a range of tools, on-line and in-house to help you make the best possible career choice. Our tools provide a comprehensive multi-faceted approach to career assessment.
By taking a multi-faceted approach to career choice, you are creating a solid foundation for building your ideal future career. Aligning your talents and personal style with what interests and motivates you the most, enables you to identify your own unique opportunities to target next in your career. online careerAssessment Center Begin a thorough and motivating career assessment process by joining our online career development centre where you can access our complete range of career assessments to discover your ideal career path. A comprehensive range of assessment tools, worksheets and resources help you get moving on the journey towards a fulfilling career path.
Youwill be guided through a thorough career assessment process, where you can work at your own pace, as fast or as reflective as you prefer, re-visiting our resource centre as often as you wish in the future.
Click here to register your interest in our online career centre. Please send us your full details (name, email, phone numbers) and we will be in touch.
Or take it step-by-step and access the following tools one by one. careerMOTIVATORS The CareerMOTIVATORS questionnaire gives you insight into what really motivates and drives you in your work, and helps you identify what career path you should be on. careerTALENTS Our tools identify your key talents, enabling you to clearly define what you want to do most and where your talents lie. Identifying our marketable skills enhances our self-confidence and motivation. Currently available in-house only, register here if you are interested in taking this on-line support tool soon.
Aligning our career preferences or interests is essential, as motivation is maximized when there is a fit between what interests us most and what we do. We use sophisticated in-house tools that are currently only available through our careerCOACHING services. Contact us to find out more
Assessing our values and needs focuses our career search on opportunities that are aligned to our fundamental beliefs.
The final critical step is reality checking feedback is sought from a variety of sources to ensure the assessment is grounded in reality. Available in-house through our career assessment and coaching programmes |