Career Analysts help people to resolve career issues and find fulfillment in their careers and lives.
As coaches, we won't tell you what to do, but we will help you through a detailed and structured personal review process that will teach you the skills to make sound career decisions now and into the future. All consultations are confidential and personalised to meet your unique needs. Our goal is to assist you to make great decisions about your career and your life.
Please call us to discuss in confidence your needs. Or browse through the following services to find a service to address your needs.
online careerAssessment Centre :
The fastest way to re-evaluate your career options and make decisions about your future. This comprehensive programme replicates what a career coach will do for you (using our expert psychologists guidance) but with a DIY solution that you can complete in your own time. At any time contact us to get support for your career decisions as you work through the programme. READ MORE>>
3 career assessment & coaching sessions
Our fast-track programme is an intensive three session programme which powerfully combines coaching and assessment to assist you to clarify what you really want in your career. READ MORE>>
careerMAKEOVER programme
Miid-life crisis? Stuck in a rut? Not sure how to find a more satisfying and rewarding career that you would be suited to. Our most popular careerMAKEOVER programme is designed to assist you create certainty about your next move as well as give you the support and skills to make it happen.
A life changing programme that enables you to look deeply into your future options, identify your strengths and talents and make quality decisions about your future, along with coaching support to help you make the changes you want to see in your life. Starting with a "stock-take"of your life. READ MORE>>
careerMAKEOVER Workshops
Our careerMAKEOVER workshops are hugely popular and get rave reviews from participants who find them inspiring, empowering and motivating. Complete a personal stock-take, assess your talents and identify your future options as well creating a vision for the future combined with an action plan you can get started on straight away. READ MORE>>
These programmes are designed to assist anyone from a school leaver, new graduate through to those experience a "quarter" or "mid-life" career crisis. Contact us for a confidential discussion of your career needs.