For Parents

Student Career Profiler
Your child is unique. Career Analysts assist your child to choose and plan a career that suits them.
The careerPROFILER is the ideal tool for those parents and guardians who are concerned about their children's future. Often it seems students just follow what their friends are doing or what they've seen on tv and seem lost when it comes to career choices. Others stress and worry about their future and are anxious to make the right decision.
It is proven that people who plan a career that matches their personality, interests, skills, values and aptitude are happy in what they do and have a better chance of making a success of it.
Students are a step further to having the right career for them, bridging the gap between school and the working world.
The system is proven, with years of research and the ability to identify your childs suitability for their chosen profession (whether law, medicine or sky-diving!!). Their interests and preferences are compared with a comprehensive database of people and 12 occupational suggestions are given which will fit your childs talents and abilities (even those that school may not have identified).
Our programme saves time and money by assisting your child in following a path suited to them, leading to confidence and success in their chosen career. We have assisted many students who have started one degree, wasting valuable time and money, only to find it is not right for them.
Completing the Morrisby careerProfiler is an investment in your child's future that could save a lot of time and money in the long run. Many students refer to their results many times over.
Many school career programmes rely on a small number of measurements to plan for a career. We provide quality information (from years of research) for career decision-making that enables your son or daughter to make great decisions about their future
Initially, many young people are apprehensive about any kind of assessment. They may have little or no idea of what they would like to do, although the majority (and their parents) are determined not to settle for careers offering poor personal and financial rewards.
Contact us to request an indepth brochure for you and your student to review.
Career Preferences
It is proven that people who plan a career that matches their personality, interests, skills, values and aptitude are happy in what they do and have a better chance of making a success of it. The careerPreferences system is Internet based so assessments can be done anytime, anywhere. The online Career Assessment centre saves time and money by assisting your child in identifying what they want to do and then providing them with access to a comprehensive database of careers information so that they can find out what courses to take.
Students are a step further to having the right career for them, bridging the gap between school and the working world.