online Career Centre career check-upcareer motivators career values career talents career preferences

Deciding what to do with your life is a complex process....

To help you make a good decision, Career Analysts have a range of on-line and in-house tools which provide a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to career assessment.

Aligning your talents and personal style with what interests and motivates you the most, enables you to identify exciting opportunities to target in your next career.

Career Analysts offers a professional, experienced perspective, and proven analysis techniques. Together we will create a solid foundation for your future.

Make a start now, online

  • Find out about the Morrisby Career-Profiler, a four hour assessment and consultation in which we give you optimised career answers.

Click here to register now as a member of our online career centre.

Or take it step-by-step and access the tools one by one, by clicking the links on the left.

Our talent identification and career management services help organisations and individuals achieve their goals

Anne Fulton ,
Director - Career Analysts